Hi there everyone. We are in need of foster parents! We are actively trying to build our foster network and our goal is to have more parents than dogs in need of homes. This will allow us to save dogs more quickly, and give our foster parents a break if they want one. Speaking from experience, fostering an animal is… Read more →
Category: Uncategorized

Get your shop on!
We are so excited to announce that we have added a shop to our site. There are several products available, including shirts, totes, and mugs, of different designs and colors. The artwork for the products was created by two wonderful friends of our rescue, Bonnie and Natalie, and we are so grateful for their contributions. We hope you enjoy shopping,… Read more →

Calling all Schnauzers!
How would you like for your Schnauzer to be featured on the AHSR website? We’re looking for some adorable shots to put in the site’s background rotation. So, let’s comb those beards, fluff those brows, and give us your best pose! Please email your photos to our webmaster. He’s anxiously awaiting to see what you come up with, and he promises to not… Read more →
Our 2015 Spring auction starts March 17th!
Hi there, AHSR webmaster here. Just wanted to write to let you know that our 2015 Spring auction starts at 8:00pm next Tuesday night, February 3rd. The auction will run through March 24th at 8:00pm. You can view the items and participate via the spring auction photo album on the AHSR group Facebook page. Happy bidding! Read more →
Our 2015 Winter auction starts February 3rd!
Hi there, AHSR webmaster here. Just wanted to write to let you know that our 2015 Winter auction starts tomorrow night, February 3rd. You can view the items and participate via our auction Facebook page. If you cannot view the event page, please join our AHSR group page. Happy bidding! Read more →
Our new site is starting to wag its tail
Hi there, ASHR webmaster here. As you can see, our new site is beginning to take shape. Please visit us regularly, as there as some exciting things in store here! Read more →